My story begins on what seemed like a normal sunny day. I’m a single mother, raising two sons with rakes and lawnmowers stuffed in the back of my pickup. I was a gardener, a chiropractic assistant and (unlicensed) massage therapist on the side. Three part-time jobs. I called it my three-hat-act. Somedays I did all three which took stamina and perseverance. Dirty finger nails from the morning’s garden dirt and then by afternoon I’d be cool, calm, collected with clean nails. I had young boys to feed, clothe, and support their well being. My sons and I lived a hand-to-mouth existence. If momma didn’t work our dinner of tacos were pretty slim. We ate a lot of tacos. Avocados were a sign that it was a good pay day.
The seasons would ebb and flow; my sons and I were cruising along. I had the dance of life down, even if it was hand-to-mouth it worked and nobody was picking up my slack. I knew the three-hat-act was a bit rough. I had been doing it for a few years… So, as divine intervention would have it, the white envelope from a licensed massage therapist I had been trading with for a few years appeared in my mailbox. TIMING is such a blessed tool, and you have to be able to trust and believe in the timing. Standing in the sun, I read her words…
Christy, I love your massages that I receive and have enjoyed our trades this past year, BUT I can no longer trade with you as you are not licensed. I need to hold the highest standards for this profession.
There it was. It was as perfect or imperfect as any divine intervention. I could not hide. I was ashamed. I was angry. I was stunned. It took about three days to digest I had been exposed and could not hide.
Now I knew I had to face head-on the nudges and yearnings. Family and friends had encouraged me for several years to head in the direction of becoming a Licensed Professional Massage Therapist. They felt, as I knew, I had a talent in this area. To even imagine changing my life seemed daunting at best. Raising my sons was primary. I have had so many courageous trusting experiences in my adult life I knew I must look very hard at this. I started to inquire gently about possibilities, creating a “what if” list. I shortly realized that the stars and divine interventions and the ability to trust were square in my face – yikes! Life was accelerating – prayers, guidance, guides, persons, place and things were happening… My small inquiries were growing so fast and becoming possibilities. Scared and excited all in the same breath. What seemed like a normal sunny day, until I opened the white envelope, was transforming my life.
I got busy. I started to do my homework regarding a school for massage and choose a city nearly four hours from my home. I spoke with family they were so excited they prompted me and my mother offered to be my finacial backer. I could not wiggle away now as I had involved others and I can not go back.
My lesson was to LISTEN.
Wake up, hear, believe.
The shift for my life was now.
I began my Hero’s Journey from Adversity to Victory.
I had the yearnings.
I did not want to listen.
The white envelope forced me to listen.
I made small inquiries.
Possibilities emerged.
I could not go back.
Transformation began – making old, new.
The lesson is, LISTEN! I am teaching through story; my hope is to inspire you to discover one of your Hero’s journey stories. We must get familiar and curious if we want to transform our lives. I will continue to reiterate the Hero’s steps in each new blog.